New Delhi: Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Wednesday (June 2, 2021) said that the Delhi government is currently working to formulate a plan to assess class 10, 12 students in 2022. Delhi Deputy CM’s statement comes a day after the Central government cancelled the CBSE class 12 board exams.
“We need a fool-proof plan for the next year to avoid scope for unprepared, knee-jerk decisions,” he said adding that “the team is working on a plan for assessing class 10, 12 students in 2022 and will send recommendations to CBSE.”
Manish Sisodia also added that the Delhi government has formed a team for the same and will be sending recommendations to the CBSE and the central government soon.
“A team is working on a plan on how academic session can be conducted for the board and non-board classes and how can the assessment be done. Once we are done with the draft plan, I will share the recommendations with CBSE and the Centre,” he added.
Delhi Deputy CM also expressed his concern over the fact that another academic session can be hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. He also added that this is why the government needs to start planning on how to assess students in March 2022.
Manish Sisodia also said exams or no exams, there can be no second thought about the need to vaccinate students.
“Exams or no exams, there cannot be a second thought about need to vaccinating students. The stocks are so low that we are not able to vaccinate people within age group of 18-44. All of this has to be done soon, the trials for vaccines for children and getting Pfizer vaccine for them, all of this has to be done on priority,” he said.
Meanwhile, a day before Sisodia’s statement on examinations, the Central government had cancelled the CBSE Class XII board exams amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic with PM Narendra Modi asserting that the decision has been taken in the interest of students. PM Modi had also added that the decision will end anxiety among the students, parents and teachers.
Prime Minister Modi also stressed that the health and safety of students are of utmost importance and there would be no compromise on this aspect. He also said that in today’s time, such exams cannot be the reason to put our youth at risk.
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