Indian women’s cricket team star player Veda Krishnamurthy’s world turned upside down after the dreaded coronavirus claimed the lives of her sister and mother in a span of two weeks. Veda Krishnamurthy’s elder sister Vatsala Shivakumar passed away last Thursday, 6 May 2021, two weeks after her mother Cheluvamba Devi succumbed to Coronavirus on 24 April 2021.
The 28-year-old Bengaluru-based cricketer said her family “did everything right” but Covid-19 still claimed the lives of her sister and mother.
“This virus is very dangerous. My family did everything right but the virus still found its way,” Veda cautioned.
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“My heart goes to everyone else going through the same situation as mine. Stay safe! Stay strong.”
“My world has just gone upside down after you both left me. Not sure how we as family are going to regroup. All I can say is that I love you both so very much and will miss you both.”
The all-rounder has represented Indian women’s cricket team in 76 T20s and 48 ODIs.
Struggling to come to terms after losing her mother and sister, Veda penned down an emotional tribute for her two most favourite people as she wrote in the note, “To my beautiful Amma and Akka. The last few days have been very heartbreaking to all of us at home. You both were the foundation of our house. Never imagined it would be seeing this day. Knowing that you both are not with me, it breaks my heart.”
“Amma, you have made a brave child, taught me to be as practical as I can in every situation… the trait is obviously passed on by you. You are the most beautiful, happy, selfless person I ever knew.
“Akka, I know I was your most favourite person. You are a fighter, has inspired me to never let go till the last minute.
“You were those two people who found joy in everything I did, everything I said. I always had a very big ego that I have two mothers but guess ego is never too good for anyone.
“The last few days I spent with you both were so relaxing and we were also happy… never imagine(d) that would be our last.”
With Covid-19 cases rising by over four lakh everyday, India is reeling under a devastating second wave of the the dreaded infection.
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