Lava has launched Lava Z2 Max, yet another entry-level smartphone in the Indian market. The device is another addition to Lava’s Z series smartphones and is a successor to Lava Z2, which was recently launched in India in January 2021. Lava Z2 Max is launched in two colour variants: Stroked Blue and a Stroked Cyan.
Feature of Lava Z2 Max
Lava Z2 Max comes with a massive 7-inch LCD display, almost the size of an average tab in the market. The HD+ display has a resolution of 720×1,640 pixels, along with a 258 PPI pixel density. The display is protected by Corning Gorilla Glass 3 layering.
The 6000 mAh battery ensures that the smartphone runs for long hours, especially when students and professionals are working from home. The device comes with 13-megapixel dual rear cameras for picture-perfect shots.
The device is powered by a Mediatek SoC processor and 2GB RAM. The storage of the smartphone is 32GB, which is actually expandable up to 256GB using a micro-SD. It runs on Android 10. Connectivity features such as dual 4G-VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 5.0 and GPS are available with the device. The smartphone comes with a USB-Type C and a 3.5mm audio jack.
Price of Lava Z2 Max
Lava is selling the newly launched Lava Z2 Max at Rs 7,999. The original equipment manufacturer is selling the newly launched smartphone online via its official website as well as on ecommerce platforms such as Amazon and Flipkart.
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