New Delhi: After strong rally on Monday, gold and silver prices are once again trading weaker on Tuesday. Yesterday, gold had become expensive by Rs 600 while silver also increased by Rs 2470, ie, about four and a half percent higher.
Yesterday, gold futures on MCX jumped by Rs 47450 per 10 grams in intraday. Finally, it closed at the level of 47319 with a strength of over Rs 600 per 10 grams. Today, however, gold is trading lower by Rs 160 per 10 grams. Gold currently hovering above Rs 47100 level, thus once again coming at last week’s level.
Gold prices last week (April 26-30)
Day gold (MCX June futures)
Monday: Rs 47462/10 grams
Tuesday: Rs 47303/10 grams
Wednesday: Rs 47093/10 grams
Thursday: Rs 46726/10 grams
Friday: Rs 46737/10 grams
Gold prices (19-23 April)
Day gold (MCX June futures)
Monday: Rs 47393/10 grams
Tuesday: Rs 47857/10 grams
Wednesday: Rs 48228/10 grams
Thursday: Rs 47772/10 grams
Friday: Rs 47532/10 grams
Gold price (week of April 12-16)
Day gold (MCX June futures)
Monday: Rs 46419/10 g
Tuesday: Rs 46975/10 grams
Wednesday: Rs 46608/10 grams
Thursday: Rs 47175/10 grams
Friday: Rs 47353/10 grams
Gold move (week of 5-9 April)
Day gold (MCX June futures)
Monday: Rs 44598/10
Tuesday: Rs 45919/10 grams
Wednesday: Rs 46362/10 grams
Thursday: Rs 46838/10 grams
Friday: Rs 46593/10 grams
Gold still cheaper by around Rs 9200 from the highest level
Last year, due to the Corona crisis, people had invested heavily in gold, in August 2020, the price of 10 grams of gold on MCX reached the highest level of Rs 56191. Last year, gold gave a return of 43%. If compared to the highest level, gold has declined up to 25%. At Rs 47100 per 10 gram level on MCX, gold is still Rs 9100 cheaper than its previous record level.
MCX Silver: As far as silver is concerned, the May futures of silver closed at close to Rs 70,000 with a strength of Rs 2460 on Monday. But today silver futures are showing a decline. Silver has come down to Rs 69700 per kg with a weakness of Rs 170.
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