Chennai: With the number of new COVID-19 cases declining, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Sunday (June 13) announced a spate of relaxations in restrictions across 27 districts including Chennai, which will come into effect from June 14.
The curbs will, however, continue in 11 districts including seven in western and four in Cauvery delta regions respectively.
After a gap of 35 days, salons, parks and state-run liquor outlets in the districts would reopen.
As part of the unlock process, the chief minister said that tea shops will be allowed to function from 6 AM to 5 PM. The tea stalls that also sell snacks and other items were ordered to be closed from May 10.
Stalin appealed to people to use vessels and avoid using plastic bags to take home hot beverages.
“Sweet and savoury shops are also permitted to be open from 8 AM till 2 PM and only parcel services are allowed,” the CM ordered. Restaurants and bakeries were already allowed to function.
As per the new guidelines, offices of building construction firms will be allowed to work with a 50 per cent workforce.
However, the places of worship and tourist locations will continue to remain closed and there would be no public or private bus services during the extended spell of lockdown.
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